*click on the video for sound

Audi MO-be
Project done in collaboration with Audi for the Master in Transportation and Car Design at SPD, Milan.
In the future where cities are growing into metropoles, there is not much room for nature. The Audi Mo-Be is the ultimate solution to escape the concrete jungle and enjoy all nature has to give. Next to natures stunning sights which you can enjoy passively, nature offers a lot of opportunities to enjoy actively. From wakeboarding to mountain biking, from ski- and snowboarding to paragliding, it’s unconventional two seater layout allows the user to bring all his gear and provides maximum flexibility.
Audi Mo-Be is designed to look durable and though but still refined. To escape your busy life the vehicle only features one interface that displays just essential information. The car is completely controlled by voice commands. Next to that the autonomous mode helps the user to enjoy looking at the scenery without distraction.
The minimalistic and clean interior is covered with a hydrophobic flexible fabric. The panels can close if the car is not used and the seat will shape to the body of the user. The suspension of the Audi Mo-Be is a collaboration of a magnetic sub-frame and airless tires. Each piece of tire thread is modular and can be replaced individually.
Fernando Pastre Fertonani / Bart Heijt

*All products from my portfolio are designed by me and can therefore not be used or copied without permission. All logo’s used in the drawings are used for study purposes or owned by the clients I worked for. All photographs and products I used in the blog are made by other artists, No rights can be derived from the given information on this website.